Thursday, May 1, 2014

A holiday in Fes (Fez)

Today is a holiday in most of Europe and Africa - it's Labor Day - the first of May. We left last night and drove 3 or 4 hours to Fes, and stayed in a lovely little hotel just outside the largest medina in the world.

With over 50,000 people living there and 9,000 streets - it was unbelievable. I am overwhelmed by the sights, smells, sounds, and touch of everything there. Here are just a few shots of what we saw today. There's no way to capture it in photos but my colleague, Dany Le Goaix, is a fabulous photographer and he's promised to share all his photos with us. :)

First some pretty fabric from one of the many many fabric stores.
 Sunset as we are travelling 'home' from Fez to Casa.
 One of cats in the medina - for the most part, they look pretty healthy.
 Inside a Qu'ran school.
 The contrast of third world and gorgeous art.
 The 'blue' gate to the medina with the minarets in the background.
 Hand-painting pottery.
 Roof tiles.
 These poor guys would carry cement from one place to another. But we did see them eating later so we know they're taken care of.
 The view of Fez from up on a hill.
 Close-ups of a wall.
 The main gates to a palace.

We're heading to Tangier (just across the sea from Gibraltar and Spain) and to Chefchaouen tomorrow after work. I am posting on the work blog during the week (though not every day) so look there for CSC-related posts and here for tourist and personal posts.
Our group is getting along really well - everyone likes, respects, and helps everyone else! Sympa (French for nice, friendly, good people.)



  1. What a wonderful experience for you! Enjoying your blog!

  2. Laurie, as I read this entry, I felt like I was melting into the chair just imagining it!

  3. Laurie, love the pictures! Keep them coming!
