Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What the political polls are doing to me ...

I haven't written any blogs in a while but just had to jot this down. The other day I was in my quilt studio after a very long day on conference calls, interrupted about every 30 minutes by some political call on my home line. I don't answer the phone, but I can still hear it ringing, and it still irks me when the caller ID says "political poll" or "toll free" or even worse, "000 000-0000".
So I'm sitting in my quilt room, with the TV on in the background, and my remote won't let me fast-forward through the political attack ads because I'm too far from the remote-home-thingy. Then the phone rings.
I look at the caller ID and it gives me a 405 number I don't recognize. I just snapped. I picked up the phone and yelled into it "JUST STOP IT. STOP CALLING ME. I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE." and I hung up.
Phew that felt good!
Then the phone rang again and it was the same caller. I just let it go. The caller left voicemail. That was interesting - they don't usually do that. So I decided to listen to the voicemail. It was my father-in-law. He said "Uh ... not sure I have the right number. I'm trying to reach Warren."

I was SOOOO embarrassed! Of course I called him back right away and explained what I did and why. He burst into laughter and said he didn't blame me at all. Thank goodness he has a sense of humor!

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