Friday, April 24, 2009

How can it be end of April already?

I can't believe I haven't written in this blog in two whole months. So much for new year's resolutions. And I even understand that there are a few people who actually read this!

So I turned 48 last week. The numbers fly by now just like the days and months. Warren and I are already planning a cat-skiing trip (no - not bringing the cats, but rather, using big machines called snow-cats to bring us to the top of mountains for 'first tracks') or perhaps a heli-skiing trip (being taken to the top of a mountain by helicopter) for my 50th. Or - there's "guided skiing" which could be really fun. And then there's a possible hut-to-hut cross-country/back country ski trip, which would leave the smallest carbon footprint.

But that's 2 years away!

What's new? Well, Warren's going to be going away for a while to work - in California - so maybe I'll have way too much time on my hands. Maybe I'll actually write once a week again. Anyway, there will be loads more time to quilt. Here are some recent baby quilts.

The latest one in the works now is a close-up of an elk that was in Spring Gulch a few months ago. My neighbor Renee took this great shot.


  1. I love seeing the quilts and can't wait to see what you do with the elk photo!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Glad to see you back blogging! Congrats on your 48th, and it sounds like you have some fun plans for the big 50...I'll be interested to hear what you settle on. The quilts looks great...I've always admired people that can do that! I'm trying to journal 250 words each morning, and I'm using my blog for is a challenging goal, but something to strive for...
