Friday, January 16, 2009

OK - so what is this all about?

People have been asking me about blogging for a few years now. I've always loved to write, but blogging just seemed so ... well, selfish. I mean, who would want to read about what I'm doing, what I love, where I'm going? And Twitter! I mean, really. Who cares what I'm doing right now this very instant?
But I'm mellowing. I write a 'Christmas Newsletter' every year that tells people what Warren and I have done during the year, and I get a lot of good feedback on that. I guess blogging is an extension of that. So in 2009 I'm going to give it a try. My goal is to write at least weekly.

My first post is going to be about balance. As you can see from the title of this blog and the description, I love cats, quilting, computers, art, and friends. I also love walking, skiing, books, coffee, wine, some television, cooking, and LOADS of other things. It was really hard to come up with the "TOP" things on my life list until I thought about them in the context of "what would I take with me in an emergency evacuation." That really narrowed down the list - everything else became noise. When I asked myself, are these the only things that are really important? The answer was definitely no, but all the other things are balanced out.

That's kind of hard to swallow at first. It makes me feel shallow, scattered, to have so many things I consider important. I know a lot of people who are so focused, and have such passion for certain things - I wonder what I'm lacking. But then, I have finally settled into the feeling of balance. Of having a lot of things I enjoy, a very happy life rich with diversity. Diversity in pastimes, in people, and in interests. I guess I have a lot of hats. I like it this way.

I'm sure in the future I'll write about this quilt project or that book or wine. But for now, it's about balancing all these things.

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